
Selected Journal Publications

  1. J. ur Rehman, S. Hong, S.-W. Lee, Y.-S. Kim, Y.-W. Cho, H. Jung, S. Moon, H. Shin, S.-W. Han, and H.-T. Lim, “Optimal strategy for multiple-phase estimation under practical measurement with multimode NOON states,” Physical Review A, 106:032612, Sep. 2022. [Link]
  2. S. Hong, J. ur Rehman, Y.-S. Kim, Y.-W. Cho, S.-W. Lee S.-Y. Lee, and H.-T. Lim, “Practical sensitivity bound for multiple phase estimation with multi-mode N00N states,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 16(9):2100682, Jul. 2022. [Link]
  3. A. Farooq, M. Ullah, J. ur Rehman, K. Lee, and H. Shin, “Self-guided quantum state learning for mixed states,” Quantum Information Processing, 21:243, Jul. 2022. [Link]
  4. A. Khan, U. Khalid, J. ur Rehman, and H. Shin, “Quantum anonymous private information retrieval for distributed networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no.6, Jun. 2022. [Link]
  5. J. ur Rehman, S. Hong, Y.-S. Kim, and H. Shin, “Variational estimation of capacity bounds for quantum channels,” Physical Review A, 105:032616, Mar. 2022. [Link]
  6. D. Lee, J. Lee, S. Hong, H.-T. Lim, Y.-W. Cho, S.-W. Han, H. Shin, J. ur Rehman, and Y.-S. Kim, “Error-mitigated photonic variational quantum eigensolver using a single-photon ququart,” Optica, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 88–95, Jan. 2022. (co-corresponding author) [Link]
  7. A. Khan, U. Khalid, J. ur Rehman, K. Lee, and H. Shin, “Quantum anonymous collision detection for quantum networks,” EPJ Quantum Technology, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 27, Dec. 2021. [Link]
  8. A. Khan, J. ur Rehman, and H. Shin, “Quantum anonymous notification for network-based applications,” Quantum Information Processing, vol. 20, no. 12, p. 397, Nov. 2021. [Link]
  9. S. M. Kazim, A. Farooq, J. ur Rehman, and H. Shin, “Adaptive quantum state tomography with iterative particle filtering,” Quantum Information Processing, vol. 20, no. 10, p. 348, Oct. 2021. [Link]
  10. S. Hong, J. ur Rehman, Y.-S. Kim, Y.-W. Cho, S.-W. Lee, H. Jung, S. Moon, S.-W. Han, and H.-T. Lim, ‘‘Quantum enhanced multiple phase estimation with multi-mode N00N states,’’ Nature Communications, vol. 12, p. 5211, Sep. 2021. [Link]
  11. S. Ramadhani, J. ur Rehman, and H. Shin, “Quantum Error Mitigation for Quantum State Tomography,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 107955-107964, Jul. 2021. [Link] [BibTeX]
  12. J. ur Rehman and H. Shin, “Entanglement-free parameter estimation of generalized Pauli Channels,” Quantum, 5:490, Jul. 2021. [Link] [BibTeX]
  13. U. Khalid, J. ur Rehman, and H. Shin, “Metrologically resourceful multipartite entanglement under quantum many-body effects,” Quantum Science and Technology, 6:025007, Jan. 2021. [Link] [BibTeX]
  14. J. ur Rehman, A. Farooq, and H. Shin, “Discrete Weyl channels with Markovian memory,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 413-426, Mar. 2020. [Link] [BibTeX]
  15. M. A. Ullah, J. ur Rehman, and H. Shin, “Quantum frequency synchronization of distant clock oscillators,” Quantum Information Processing, 19:144, Mar. 2020. [Link] [BibTeX]
  16. U. Khalid, J. ur Rehman, and H. Shin, “Measurement-based quantum correlations for quantum information processing,” Scientific Reports, 10:2443, Feb. 2020. [Link] [BibTeX]
  17. A. Khan, J. ur Rehman, K. Wang, and H. Shin, “Unified monogamy relations of multipartite entanglement,” Scientific Reports, 9:16419, Nov. 2019. [Link] [BibTeX]
  18. J. ur Rehman and H. Shin, “Purity-based continuity bounds for von Neumann entropy,” Scientific Reports, 9:13912, Sep. 2019. [Link] [BibTeX]
  19. J. ur Rehman, Y. Jeong, and H. Shin, “Directly estimating the Holevo capacity of discrete Weyl channels,” Physical Review A, 99:042312, Apr. 2019. [Link] [BibTeX]
  20. A. Farooq, J. ur Rehman, Y. Jeong, J. S. Kim, and H. Shin, “Tightening monogamy and polygamy inequalities of multiqubit entanglement,” Scientific Reports, 9:3314, Mar. 2019. [Link] [BibTeX]
  21. J. ur Rehman, Y. Jeong, J. S. Kim, and H. Shin, “Holevo capacity of discrete Weyl channels,” Scientific Reports, 8:17457, Nov. 2018. [Link] [arXiv Link] [BibTeX]
  22. J. ur Rehman, A. Farooq, Y. Jeong, and H. Shin, “Quantum channel discrimination without entanglement,” Quantum Information Processing, 17:271, Oct. 2018. [Link] [BibTeX]
  23. T. Bashir, I. Usman, S. Khan, and J. ur Rehman,“Intelligent reorganized discrete cosine transform for reduced reference image quality assessment,” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, vol. 25, no. 4, p. 2660, Jul. 2017. [Link] [BibTeX]
  24. S. Qaisar, J. ur Rehman, Y. Jeong, and H. Shin, “Practical deterministic secure quantum communication in a lossy channel,” Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, vol. 2017, no. 4, pp. 1–12, Apr. 2017. [Link] [BibTeX]
  25. J. ur Rehman, S. Qaisar, Y. Jeong, and H. Shin,“Security of a control key in quantum key distribution,” Modern Physics Letters B, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 1–12, Apr. 2017. [Link] [BibTeX]
  26. T. Bashir, I. Usman, and J. ur Rehman, “Secure digital watermarking using optimized improved spread spectrum and BCH coding for DIBR 3D-TV system,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 75, no. 13, pp. 7697–7713, Jul. 2016. [Link] [BibTeX]

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